Imagine Edgenuity
Edgenuity, Inc., now Imagine Learning LLC, is a leading provider of online and blended learning solutions, offering a comprehensive suite of Cognia (formerly AdvancED) accredited digital curriculum. We have a long standing history of serving diverse students and implementations across schools and districts of all sizes by developing strong, personalized partnerships with elementary, middle, and high schools nationwide to deliver core courses, credit recovery, supplemental instruction, intervention, test preparation, virtual instruction, and professional development. Imagine Edgenuity Courseware is a brand of Imagine Learning LLC.
Contact phone number
Grades served
Serves grades K-12
How are classes offered?
Classes are offered as both self-paced and in hybrid format
Imagine Edgenuity
Edgenuity, Inc., now Imagine Learning LLC, is a leading provider of online and blended learning solutions, offering a comprehensive suite of Cognia (formerly AdvancED) accredited digital curriculum. We have a long standing history of serving diverse students and implementations across schools and districts of all sizes by developing strong, personalized partnerships with elementary, middle, and high schools nationwide to deliver core courses, credit recovery, supplemental instruction, intervention, test preparation, virtual instruction, and professional development. Imagine Edgenuity Courseware is a brand of Imagine Learning LLC.
Contact phone number
How are classes offered?
Classes are offered as both self-paced and in hybrid format
Grades served
Serves grades K-12
When do you need to enroll
Start anytime
What technology or other resources are provided by the vendor?
Are AP or honors
courses offered?
Is summer school offered?
Are credit recovery
courses offered?
Can students take CTE courses?
Offer a broad set of customizable career and technical education (CTE) courses that engage students with real-world activities and a problem-solving curriculum. Imagine Edgenuity’s rigorous, relevant CTE catalog is designed to deepen the connection between academic learning and career-focused skills.
Do they serve ELL students?
Up to the district
Are dual credit courses offered?
Up to the district
Can students participate in clubs or other activities through the provider?
Can students participate in sport activities through the provider?
Can students get tutoring through this provider?
Does this provider offer summer school?
Other information about this provider