Missouri Connections Academy (MOCAS) - Sturgeon (Full Time)
Connections Academy is a K-12 online public school option available for students throughout Missouri. It's also a tight-knit school community offering all the services and resources needed to create a well-rounded student experience. With the support of certified teachers, students learn from home using a curriculum that meets rigorous state education standards. Parent involvement and scheduling flexibility helps ensure students' individual needs are met, so they can thrive academically and emotionally.
Contact phone number
Grades served
Serves grades K-12
How are classes offered?
At Connections, live instruction is optional and self-paced and in person classes
Missouri Connections Academy (MOCAS) - Sturgeon (Full Time)
Connections Academy is a K-12 online public school option available for students throughout Missouri. It's also a tight-knit school community offering all the services and resources needed to create a well-rounded student experience. With the support of certified teachers, students learn from home using a curriculum that meets rigorous state education standards. Parent involvement and scheduling flexibility helps ensure students' individual needs are met, so they can thrive academically and emotionally.
Contact phone number
How are classes offered?
At Connections, live instruction is optional and self-paced and in person classes
Grades served
Serves grades K-12
When do you need to enroll
Depends on which state, Missouri is October 31st and documentation submission is November 4th and final confirmation deadline is November 11th
What technology or other resources are provided by the vendor?
One laptop per household
Are AP or honors
courses offered?
Yes, k-8th gifted classes and high school is Honors and AP classes
Is summer school offered?
Are credit recovery
courses offered?
Can students take CTE courses?
CTE programs can include certifications
Do they serve ELL students?
Are dual credit courses offered?
Can students participate in clubs or other activities through the provider?
Connections Academy offers a variety of online club meetings and field trips.
Can students participate in sport activities through the provider?
Can students get tutoring through this provider?
Extra time with teachers
Does this provider offer summer school?
Other information about this provider
Connections Academy offers customized learning plans for different learning styles. Connections Academy serves 22 differernt states and has been around for 20 years.